Daughters in Charge Podcast: What It Takes to Prepare a CEODaughters in Charge Podcast: What It Takes to Prepare a CEO
Theme: The Best Preparation for Becoming CEO
Summary: Tacy Byham, an industrial/organizational psychologist like her dad, is now CEO of DDI, a global talent management organization. She describes her thorough preparation for the role of CEO.
Featured Guest: Tacy Byham, CEO of DDI and co-author of “Your First Leadership Job: How Catalyst Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others.”
Website: www.ddiworld.com
Key Quotes:
“Authenticity as a trait is a behavior that we can display to others. People see that and know whether they can trust you.”
“Research tells us that more stress comes from getting promoted. That challenge is absolutely real.”
“If you’d like your children to become part of the family business …be careful about what behaviors they’re observing!”
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