If your mother were to sell you on the stock market today, she would get a lot less for you than she would have five years ago. And it's not just the wrinkles around your eyes, or the waning of your youth. It's ok...
Quoting the theme song from M*A*S*H and faking your own death doesn't get you out of a 20-year jail sentence. Someone should probably let hedge fund manager Sam Israel III know.
It’s earnings season, and with Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley kicking it off this week, many investors will be asking themselves: Is the financial crisis over? (Or, at least, is it winding down?) The...
Gold Diggers and Sugar Daddys joined forces Thursday at New York City’s Taj nightclub to raise money for charity—and make-out! Nothing says “selfless” like paying $5 to sell oneself at a...
So, the efficient market theory vanquished active management (okay, people still argue over this but given the amount of money flowing into passive indexes and ETFs . . . ). Now Warren Buffett says the S&P 500 can...
Investors may not be that impressed by Lehman CFO Erin Callan's forthrightness. The Wall Street Journal (among others) reported today that Lehman Brothers Holding is taking a $2.8 billion loss for the second quarter&...