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Barbara Brooks Kimmel

Managing Member

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the Co-Founder and Managing Member of FACTS® Asset Management, a New Jersey Registered Investment Advisory firm. She is also the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World. As social innovators, the program’s mission is to help enhance trustworthy behavior in organizations by creating tools, often through strategic partnerships, to foster organizational trust. Barbara is the Editor of the award-­‐winning Trust Inc. book series including Trust Inc., Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset (November 2013) that includes contributions from Ken Blanchard, Patricia Aburdene Stephen M.R.Covey and Jim Kouzes among others. She is also the Editor of TRUST! Magazine and the co-­creator of the FACTS® Framework.

Barbara has also been the President of Next Decade, Inc an award-­winning communications firm, since 1994, and in 2012 was named one of “25 Women who are Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Barbara earned a BA degree in International Affairs from Lafayette College and an MBA from Bernard M. Baruch Graduate School of Business at the City University of New York.


Contact info: [email protected]