Oleg Tishkevich, CEO of INVENT.us., explains how Cloud Native can take advisors into the next level of coordination, integration, simplification and workflow automation.
BNY Mellon Pershing's Michelle Feinstein uncovers valuable practices to assist advisors in leveraging solutions to grow, scale and compete in this age where being efficient and going digital is of the utmost importance.
SS&C Advent Senior VP Steve Leivent describes how Black Diamond assists advisors with their client experience and some of the biggest challenges they face.
Snappy Kraken's Robert Sofia uncovers valuable practices that advisors can automate and why he believes we’re close to a time when spending hours on a financial plan will be obsolete.
Whealthcare Interim CEO Kevin Ruth explains how advisors can use technology to gather information from their clients on sensitive topics related to longevity.
Betterment for Advisors General Manager Jon Mauney shares how the company is leading the way for advisors to improve their technology game for the next generation of clients.
Riskalyze CEO Aaron Klein shares how advisors can use Riskalyze to transform fear-bound investors who make bad short-term decisions into fearless investors who make great short-term decisions.