While the markets may be buoyant, this is a time for caution. Some funds now seem richly valued as suggested by dividend yields and price-earnings ratios. Investors should be wary, underweighting the pricey funds...
Plenty of investors have been unhappy about their municipal bond funds of late. During 2008, the average municipal bond mutual fund lost 7.7 percent, according to Morningstar. Then the funds recovered, gaining 12.0...
After the S&P 500 began sinking in 2000, some proponents of index funds criticized the most popular benchmark. The S&P 500 is too volatile, and, being cap weighted, is based on over-valued stocks, they said; so they...
The average global active manager beat his benchmark over the last 10 years. So did the average fund manager in a few other style boxes. But global managers may have a better arsenal to keep the trend going.
In recent years, plenty of investors poured into emerging market stock funds. The new shareholders hoped to profit from the boom in developing countries, such as China and Brazil. But their high hopes were dashed by...
At the Investment Company Institute’s 51st General Membership meeting last week in Washington, D.C., speaker after speaker warned that the financial crisis has changed markets permanently.