THIS MONTH'S CONTESTHOTEL KEY CODES Modern hotels change the codes assigned to individual rooms every day. For security reasons, a hotel the door code based on the corresponding room number. Below is a list of room...
Smart decisions are based on more than government statistics, agency reports, news releases, interest rates and stock quotes. We've selected a few fascinating statistics here that illuminate the markets, the world of...
THIS MONTH'S CONTESTPRIME 907 The number 907 is prime. It has no factors other than one and itself. To prove that 907 is prime, you must check to see that it not divisible by any other number, beginning with 2, 3, 5...
You have two candles. Each candle takes 60 minutes to burn completely. There's one complication: the candles are not uniform and cannot be assumed to burn evenly. Using these two candles and nothing else, how would...