Robert Augustus Gardner Monks, one of the world's best-known shareholder activists, has been called a traitor to his class. Born in Boston to a wealthy, powerful family whose origins in the U.S. predate the Revolution...
The investigation by the various state and federal government agencies into conflicts of interest in Wall Street research has ended with a massive settlement. The firms have agreed to quit nefarious practices like IPO...
Wachovia Securities is raising the bar on production-related bonuses. Translation for brokers: you've got to produce more to retain your current rate of pay. Previously, brokers generating between $17,000 and $18,999...
Prudential Securities and Wachovia Securities are very close to an agreement to join forces, one that was scuttled earlier in the year, reportedly due to differences in who would control the unit.
It is time to close what is perhaps one of the darkest chapters in the history of modern finance. It is time for us to move on. Dick Grasso, NYSE Chairman If only it were that simple. The global settlement is nice the...
It's been a good year for Michael Rice, president of retail brokerage at Prudential Securities. According to Rice, Prudential's beleaguered brokerage unit has seen improvements in productivity, advisor attrition and...