Alan Lavine is a contributing writer to REP. and author of some 15 books on investments and insurance. He also writes a column for Dow Jones Marketwatch's "Retirement Weekly."
Called contingent annuities, these securities are less expensive than variable annuities and offer better tax treatment for wealthy investors. But availability is limited and some worry the risks will be difficult to...
The age group projected to show the greatest percentage increase in the United States and Western countries is the centenarian population. Are your clients financially equipped to live a century or more...
Financial advisors are increasingly concerned about the financial strength of the insurance companies whose products they sell. They cite low interest rates and exposure to the stock market via product principal guar...
Financial advisors are increasingly concerned about the financial strength of the insurance companies whose products they sell. They cite low interest rates and exposure to the stock market via product principal guar...
What do you get when you splice together a life insurance policy and an immediate annuity?
A reversionary annuity. Yes, that's a mouthful, but it carries some of the advantages of each and is ideal for certain kinds...