Whether you're looking for a seasonally appropriate gag gift for a client, or just a way to drive someone completely nuts on a long road trip, check out Ruby Tunes' Taxpayer Blues.
With tracks like “I Ain't Got No Money,” “My Tax Return the Fanciful” and “The IRS Audited Me and Ran off With My Wife,” the CD, produced by Phil Fragasso, chief marketing officer with Rydex Funds and president of Ruby Tunes, is so hokey it hurts. However, for clients who have committed one or two tax-time no-no's, the song parodies might just hit the right note.
Here's a sample lyric from “Battle Hymn of the Taxpayer” (sung to the tune of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”): “Oh pity me/for what I've done/my tax return's a lie…My gerbil's really not my son/I'm not blind in one eye…My tax return, my tax return/God please forgive my sin…and think of me with sympathy/I'm a tax code charlatan.