While most clients say they are ready and willing to provide a referral for their financial advisors, a lot of them are not actually following through on it, according to a recent report released by Advisor Impact, Charles Schwab Advisor Services...
HighTower Advisors, the fast-growing and well-funded Chicago-based advisory firm, has raised its profile again, hiring top recruiting executives from Charles Schwab and LPL Financial as it plans to open six new offices by April 2011.
Mergers can be difficult. So it's no surprise that our annual broker report card shows that some financial advisors are less than thrilled with the state of affairs at MSSB — especially veteran Smith Barney folks. Indeed, 72 percent of those...
Advisor satisfaction at Wells Fargo Advisors hasn't changed much from last year, and that's not good. Last year, advisors gave it a 5.5 rating out of 10, and this year they gave it a 5.7, putting it in second to last place among the six brokerages...
Just over 12 months ago, financial advisors at UBS were desperately searching for direction and leadership. Today, many UBS advisors seemed to have found that missing direction under CEO Bob McCann, the ex-Merrill brokerage chief. One UBS advisor...