Armed with laptop computers and cellular phones, brokers are trading rush-hour road rage for a leisurely stroll to a home office. Three producers explain the benefits, the lessons learned and the complications that go along with the telecommuting...
Bill Noonan honors his heritage every day. He has developed a book of business that draws on the strengths of his forefathers' country--Ireland.His interest in the Emerald Isle goes way back. As a second generation Irish-American growing up in...
Kyle Chudom, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Oak Brook, Ill.While still a teenager, Kyle Chudom inherited an interest in investing from his father, an attorney. They shared The Wall Street Journal in the morning and charted stocks on family vacations...
Compliance tests on Wall Street show the millennial computer bug nearly exterminated. Come Monday, Jan. 3, 2000, the major systems that run the nation's financial markets should function as usual. But the battle to convince clients of this fact is...
Rob Bickham, PaineWebber, New OrleansPaineWebber Senior Vice President Rob Bickham, 39, was focused on managed money and investment consulting 13 years ago, well before the current rush to that style of business. And 11 years ago, he earned his...
If it weren't for telecommuting, Sonya Simmons says she probably wouldn't be a stockbroker today.Back in 1992, six months before her first child was scheduled to arrive, Simmons decided to move out of Tacoma and back to her childhood home, Whidbey...
When a former branch manager at Salomon Smith Barney in Tucson, Ariz., told Linda Immerman-Stoffers two and a half years ago that she ought to consider the brokerage business, she thought he was kidding.Immerman-Stoffers was then director of sales...
Theodore "Ted" Vogt, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Grand Rapids, Mich.In 1982, Theodore Vogt began his career as a registered rep at age 32. He told himself that if he wasn't having fun in 24 months, he would return to managing a car dealership...
Garry Shea and R.C. Roland, D.A. Davidson, Spokane, Wash.You know Garry Shea and R.C. Roland are doing a good job when one of their first clients, Terry Anderson, a dentist, was able to take early retirement. You know they're doing something...
Brokers dont have to stay cooped up in the same office week after week, month after month. In fact, some reps have carved out lives that many people only dream about. Using todays technology, adding in hard work, excellent track records and...