When Merrill Lynch announced that it would replace James Gorman, head of the firm's brokerage group, with his boss, Robert McCann, tongues wagged: Was Gorman simply moved into a sinecure? Put out to pasture? Or was he moved into a real post with...
Health care costs are likely to be any retiree's greatest expense. Financial advisors, then, need to address the potential havoc health risks can have on a client's financial plan. The problem is: How to get clients to actually give personal...
Ready for His Close-up Todd Eberhard, investment advisor and TV financial news personality, was sentenced to 13 years in the clink for stealing roughly $20 million from clients. Eberhard, 41, was a sometime commentator of CNN and CNNfn...
The last few years apparently have been mentally grueling ones for the regulators as well. After months of trying to fill the position, the SEC has hired a psychologist to work on the commission's flagging morale, says Jeff Risinger, head of human...
Plenty of clients detest bond mutual funds, their most common gripe: Why own these never-maturing bonds when the Fed is trying to nudge up interest rates? When interest rates rise, bond funds sink, so in times like these many investors feel more...
Talking is good any marriage counselor will tell you so. I mention this because the relationship between regulators and the brokerage industry lately resembles that of a long-term union that's hit the rocks, and the pair could benefit from opening...
Merrill Lynch's training program is called Paths of Achievement. In June's 60 Seconds With column, due to a transcribing error, the name was rendered incorrectly. Robert McCann, who was the subject of June's 60 Seconds With Q&A, has since been...
Dreams are an important part of any successful advisory business. Indeed, they represent perhaps the purest form of aspiration. But there's a reason that is a derisive term in the business world: Many people are unwilling to pay the price for...
American Funds Distributors is the fund company that said no. While in the past few years many funds sued by regulators have been quick to settle, American, the second-largest fund family in the U.S. with $650 billion in assets is fighting back...
Benjamin Franklin once said, Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. My how tastes change. Today, Ben might substitute Absolut Raspberri or shiraz for beer. Booze and wine have replaced ordinary suds as the king of cool. Sure...