Investors are hard-wired to fail The problem is that the human brain was shaped in the Pleistocene era, back when humans had to forage for food. Besides sabotaging our investing instincts, that fact also contributes to obesity, drug addiction and...
The following is a parable of a great prospecting idea gone awry for one simple reason: the prospector did not plan his meeting carefully enough. The prospector in question was none other than I a financial consultant with a 12 handicap in golf ...
The animal spirits are roiled in the online brokerage universe. Or are they? On the heels of Ameritrade's acquisition of TD Waterhouse, Charles Schwab Corp. says it isn't for sale. In a statement, chairman and CEO Charles Schwab said the company...
Wealthy clients are very familiar with wirehouse brand names a sign that the industry's heavy marketing is paying off. But when it comes to rating the actual services that firms deliver, wealthy clients favor boutique trust firms and private banks...
Merrill Lynch leads the pack in terms of the number of CIMA-carrying reps. The Certified Investment Management Analyst designation focuses on asset allocation, ethics, due diligence, risk measurement, investment policy and performance measurement...
Tip for Terry Get a Lawyer: The SEC announced charges against Terry's Tips, Inc., a Vermont-based company, and Terry Allen, of Ferrisburg, Vt., on July 1, for violations related to the operation of auto trading programs. The programs enable online...
Despite increased regulatory scrutiny of 529s and uncertain future treatment by the tax code, rational exuberance is the most appropriate phrase to describe how Joe Hurley feels about the prospects of qualified state tuition plans. Hurley is a CPA...
Two investment secrets of Swiss bankers, according to Zurich Axioms author Max Gunther: Always take your profit too soon, and Worry is not a sickness, but a sign of health. If you're not worried, you are not risking enough. Registered...
Contesting arbitrations is often a smart move especially for reps who believe they were unjustly accused or that the settlement demanded by the customer is excessive. At the same time, the case doesn't necessarily end with the issuance of an award...
Buy/sell agreements are security blankets for small business owners, but the pacts can breed a false sense of the warm and fuzzies, if not properly handled. The agreements, of course, spell out how a business will proceed financially when faced...