Michael Mendelsohn, author of Life is Short, Art is Long, says in the early pages of his book that he never expected to find out that he had anything in common with William Randolph Hearst, Imelda Marcos or Queen Elizabeth II. He does not have a...
RBC Dain Rauscher is in acquisition mode. The Midwest regional is set to purchase New Jersey-based J.B. Hanauer, an employee-owned firm with $10 billion in assets under management.
LPL’s acquisition last week of three Pacific Life Insurance Company broker/dealers was just one more step in its quest to for a successful sale of the company or initial public offering.
Lawyers get requests for powers of attorney all the time, and they're easy to churn out and then forget. But beware. Powers of attorney also are very easily abused. So easily, in fact, that the Illinois docket where we practice is flooded with...
If a client is considering using a corporate trustee as a sole trustee, co-trustee or successor trustee, he'll probably want to interview several institutions and his estate-planning lawyer should be intimately involved in this process. While...
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA)1 imposes new penalties on appraisers that are deemed to have made substantial or gross valuation misstatements. These stiff penalties are articulated in new Internal Revenue Code Section 6695A (see Go to...
Though more than a dozen years have passed since the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws approved and recommended that states adopt the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA), there still is relatively little case law...
It's been five years since the Internal Revenue Service issued Notice 2002-8, the pronouncement that was supposed to clarify treatment of those split-dollar plans that had been established before the Service issued the final regulations. But many...