Before the 1986 Tax Reform Act (TRA), there was real concern about the extensive use of tax shelters investments in which a significant portion of the taxpayer's return is derived from tax savings. To curtail the practice, Congress included in the...
On Jan. 17, 2008, the Internal Revenue Service issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Advance Notice), in which the IRS requests help writing regulations to Internal Revenue Code Section 529 to deter abuse.1 The threat is that if the IRS...
When the search for alpha takes conservative portfolios such as the Harvard and Yale endowments into the land of bellies, beans and bullion, investors and their advisors take notice. Consider that David Swensen, in charge of Yale's portfolio (and...
Using a wide-ranging investing style, Peter Lynch dominated the fund world during the 1980s. The manager of Fidelity Magellan was known to pick stocks from all over the market: He would buy small bank stocks one year and large industrials the next...
This week, Kevin Matras shows you why a good stock-
screener can be your best tool for picking options. See how, and get three top, "optionable" stock picks from some of his best screens.
A sweeping new tax regime that will create a minefield for U.S. citizens living in the United Kingdom is due to go into effect on April 6, 2008. And as the deadline approaches, U.K. lawyers and accountants are working feverishly to assess the...
It looks like the worst of the mortgage meltdown is far from over for the big banks. In a surprise warning today, UBS announced that it would post a record $4 billion