There's a little book of 84-pages now out in paperback, The Time is Now: Choose Your Trustee Wisely by Michele Moore, that is a user-friendly guide to fiduciary appointments and could be very useful in a client introduction packet. The Time is Now...
Giving up a U.S. passport carries a hefty new price tag. A new law subjects certain individuals who expatriate or give up their green cards to immediate tax on the inherent gain on all of their worldwide assets and a tax on future gifts or...
Independent b/ds, with razor-thin operating margins, need to grow to remain profitable. Yet they must also maintain that small company feel. NEXT Financial Group walks the razor’s edge.
Registered Rep.spoke with Jim Weddle, CEO of Edward Jones, about the firm's new fee-based platform, which it began to roll out in June. RR: What inspired the development of this program? JW: Well, we did a lot of research both among our clients...
Scott Burns has spent decades trying to figure out how people can retire comfortably and yet sacrifice as little as possible pre-retirement. Which is ironic since Burns, at the age of 67, appears to have no interest in filling his Golden Years...
Two years ago, Morgan Stanley had an image problem. Financial advisors were so down on the firm then plagued by executive infighting, badly in need of investment in retail brokerage and bleeding advisors you couldn't have paid a broker 500 percent...
JPMorgan Chase's cafeteria burgers may survive the current market, but the investment banking division can expect more job cuts, CEO Jamie Dimon said at a recent town hall meeting between top executives and employees, according to a CNBC report...
Active versus passive? That's an old battle. But the stakes have recently been raised: Can the S&P 500 beat a portfolio of funds of hedge funds? Warren Buffet says yes, when performance is measured net of fees, costs and expenses, and he's putting...
If you work at one of the big national firms, we want to hear from you. We are now surveying our wirehouse readers for our 18th Annual Broker Report Cards (yes, we're still using the word for tradition's sake). How does your firm measure up to...