You'll usually find grandparents are a willing audience, especially if you first ask them to tell you about their grandchildren, and listen patiently for the next 90 minutes. But for those grandparents with several million or more in net worth, a...
You'd think the U.S. dollar had bitten the dust from all the breathless reporting of its savaging in the foreign exchange market. From the headlines, you'd think the world was selling dollars in 2008 en masse. But it's been worse. Consider that...
An advisor turns to outside separate accounts manager to help him turn a sophisticated prospect with tax-management issues into a client.
A controversial economist says government attempts to increase home ownership are at the root of the sub-prime mortgage mess.
Water utilities, toll roads and airports are steady revenue generators, despite a slowing economic climate.
You might think that Bank of America, the nation's largest consumer bank, could pose a formidable threat to Wall Street's retail brokerage powerhouses. After all, it has a veritable army of affluent clients to whom it could offer financial advice...
How a flexible tool, the charitable remainder trust, helped one wealthy man honor his daughter's memory
It has been a cruel year for a lot of wirehouse advisors, with the sub-prime and ARS messes eroding client confidence in their firms. But times are good for registered investment adviser (RIA) firms. In fact, there is new evidence out there that...
With life expectancies going up, insurance premiums are coming down. Since 2000, term-insurance premiums have dropped by more than 4 percent a year, according to the Insurance Information Institute, an industry trade group.