With markets collapsing last fall, Nicholas Rowe, a financial advisor with Focus Capital, a registered investment advisor in Bedford, New Hampshire that clears trades through Schwab Institutional, began buying inverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs)...
For the past half-decade or more, financial advisors have been shifting from commissions to fees as they seek steadier revenue flows, pursue greater flexibility with client accounts and offer more planning services. And yet, for the industry...
If President Obama is truly a new kind of FDR arriving on the scene to the American economy from itself then he would be wise to read Amity Shlaes new-ish history of the Great Depression, The Forgotten Man (HarperCollins, 2007). In the book a...
The hot news at 2009’s largest gathering of estate-planning lawyers was not about the law. At the 2009 Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning’s opening session discussing recent developments, Dennis I. Belcher of Virgina’s...