Financial professionals do it. Insurance professionals do it. Actuaries certainly do it. Yet we, as tax and estate planning professionals, all too often recommend techniques and strategies without doing it. And that is risk assessment. Time to...
Estate planners often must make a decision whether to recommend a family limited partnership (FLP) or family limited liability company (FLLC) to achieve the best federal estate tax savings for a client.1 While many considerations impact the choice...
Despite the dire economic prospects of 2008-2009 and many families' fears that they'd have to shut down their single family offices (SFOs), the train never went off the rails.1 To keep firmly on track, they're thinking outside the box, considering...
Foundations hold a commanding share of donated wealth in America, but a less well-known vehicle for funding charitable causes is growing rapidly in popularity: donor advised funds.
It has been 18 months since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and just over a year since the stock market touched its lows. Although the stock market has recovered a portion of the decline, values across most asset categories remain at significantly...
Making minimum payments on your mortgage, and even taking out a new mortgage, might be a wise idea in this economy.
The renewal plan for turning around the asset-gathering-challenged UBS Wealth Management Americas should be released within two weeks.
Decelerating monthly mortgage payments down to the minimum amount, or even taking out a new mortgage might be smart these days.
Your clients may fear a huge tax bite after President Obama signed historic health care legislation into law this week. After all, the legislation calls for taxes and fees on high-net-worth individuals and households to cover 22 percent of its ...