While it is commonplace, managing personal wealth inside an operating company is hardly ideal, and may, in fact, be detrimental to the long-term interests of both the family and the business, according to family business experts.
In a Dodd-Frank study released over the weekend, the SEC recommended that all brokers and financial advisors adhere to the same strict fiduciary standard that currently applies to investment advisers when they provide personalized investment...
Bank of America’s Global Wealth & Investment Management unit, which includes Merrill Lynch, posted increased revenue and advisor productivity in the fourth quarter, signs investors may be shifting assets into longer-term, higher-margin...
Seeking to reach skittish investors, fund companies have been introducing a wave of absolute return funds. The funds aim to produce positive results almost every year. New entrants include Loomis Sayles Absolute Strategies (LABAX), GRT Absolute...
A non-fiduciary who knowingly participated in trustees’ violations of duty was liable for damages in a recent Delaware court ruling
Waiting for Godot is a classic play in which the protagonists await the arrival of a mysterious problem solver who never arrives. For estate planners and valuation professionals, 2010 was similarly a time for waiting — for tax law resolutions, for...
The need – and demand – for specialized services for the gay community is both substantial and growing, observers say.
If you’re selling long-term care insurance to clients, it’s best to stay away from carriers with a history of raising premiums or discontinuing other types of insurance coverage. Several insurers already have raised premiums this year.