If you are not talking to your client about retirement planning, someone else probably is and stands a good chance of garnering those assets, according to The Secret Knock: Unlocking the Retirement Opportunity, a recent report by Pershing LLC and...
An astonishing 93 percent of family business owners depend on the family business as their primary source of income, according to the 2007 Laird Norton Tyee Family Business Survey.1 This statistic has far ranging ramifications on the success or...
Postponed income tax rate increases and deduction limits, a moratorium on phase-outs of exemptions, lower estate and gift tax rates coupled with higher exemption levels and other changes are acting as catalysts for prudent planning between now and...
Estate planners and trustees should consider the distinctive social and demographic phenomena that shape their clients' needs
Meet your clients' needs for a comfortable retirement cushion through a sale to a beneficiary grantor trust; and reduce assets enough to avoid taxes
As the debate continues, opportunities in wealth planning still exist in 2011
John Thiel, who rose from the trenches at Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor in Tampa, Fla. to head the firm’s private banking group, will soon lead some 15,000 advisors in Merrill’s U.S. brokerage unit as well, his boss Sallie...