Sooner or later, we, as estate-planning professionals, are exposed to the frustration of clients or beneficiaries who ignore our advice and act in a manner that's financially self-destructive. Often, this situation arises in the fiduciary context...
Most advisors are most interested in working with individuals who have the most money to manage. This usually means those who are about to retire or have just done so. But many of these clients have one thing on their minds that may be even more...
These days, problems of governance could hardly seem more acute and alive in a public consciousness driven by the information revolution. There's a heightened need to pay attention to the realities of shifting modes of governance and...
Diversify, diversify, diversify. That's the mantra for trust investing under the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA), which has been adopted in some way, shape or form in virtually every state. It makes sense. Having all of your eggs in one...
At a college workshop that I conducted recently in San Diego, I asked the dozens of parents in attendance to guess what percentage of high school seniors got accepted into their No. 1 college. Six percent, blurted out one dad. Before I could...
Governments plan to step up information exchange to reduce tax evasion
Capato v. Astrue puts this issue on the U.S. Supreme Court’s calendar
Valuing rare documents and books for deduction, insurance, estate planning or equitable distribution