(Bloomberg)-- Ronald Reagan's name is invoked, mantra like, during every presidential election. Nancy, his fiery waif of a spouse, tends to get less airtime, but this fall that might change: On Sept. 21 and 22, and in an...
Client action steps should take this into consideration
In the mid-1990s, one of my clients divorced their spouse, who was not my client. I did an adequate job helping him, but I could have done better. Shortly after the settlement had been signed, I read about a course that specifically helped CFPs...
(Bloomberg View) -- Last week, yet another slew of private retirement plan managers became the target of class-action lawsuits. This time it was a bunch of universities: Yale University, New York University, the Massachusetts Institute of...
Doubt they'll be as popular.
The CFP Board debuted its Center for Financial Planning late last year with the goal of furthering the development of the advisory profession. The Center’s latest effort is a series of books, to be published by Joh...
Let's look at what tax planning suggestions we can offer after reviewing Hillary Clinton's tax return.
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Jan 25, 2017
It's easy to imagine retirement as single, unbroken period that begins when work ends and lasts until death. In reality, though, retirement evolves, presenting different opportunities and income needs in each phase.
Delivering a superior client experience is the difference between winning and losing. Here are 23 factors.
And how other high net worth taxpayers can benefit