The Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (UVTA), which amends and replaces the better known Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, was adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 2014.1 Currently, nine states have...
• New revenue procedure allows do-it-yourself process to complete a rollover despite missing the 60-day deadline—In Revenue Procedure 2016-47, the Internal Revenue Service created a do-it-yourself process that may allow taxpayers who...
(Bloomberg) -- Assets in college savings plans named for an obscure section of the Internal Revenue Service code hit a new record this summer, totaling $266.2 billion. That’s up 5.1 percent from a year ago, when assets in the accounts...
It takes a village. | Gurzzza/iStock/Thinkstock
Because kids these days just can't do anything on their own, grandparents are more than willing to help foot the bill for their grandchildren's college educations, according to Fidelity Investmen...
(Bloomberg) -- The $1.9 trillion shortfall in U.S. state and local pension funds is poised to grow as near record-low bond yields and global stock-market turmoil reduce investment gains, increasing pressure on governments to put more money...
Executrix held personally liable for post-death transfers
Kevin McKinley is principal/owner of McKinley Money LLC, an independent registered investment advisor. He is also the author of Make Your Kid a Millionaire (Simon & Schuster).
(Bloomberg) -- It's hard to feel sorry for someone making six figures, but a new survey attempts to drum up some sympathy for the deflated bank accounts of these high rollers. Close to half of those who earn from $100,000 to $149,999 a...