Key issues financial planners need to consider as COVID-19 permanently impacts clients nearing retirement.
American Century Investments' Rich Weiss describes the philosophy behind how the firm develops its target-date funds' glide path.
The allocations underpinning these vehicles are a function of the peculiar belief in that stocks are the best way to save for retirement.
Careful consideration and consultations regarding the current tax implications are key.
In states where it's available, a medical orders for life-sustaining treatment form can be a valuable tool for ailing clients.
Bill Bengen talks in depth about how he first developed his safe withdrawal rate research and how the 4% rule became a rule of thumb.
There are a few blinds spots that get in the way.
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Nov 01, 2020
Cloudy Social Security future drives financial planning emphasis.
Self-directed IRAs, unlike the traditional kind, can open up the possibility of buying real estate directly for individual investors.