There's a reason they call him, 'The Oracle.' | Copyright Bill Pugliano, Getty Images
Which financial experts do investors have the most confidence in? According to a new Spectrem Group study, Warren Buffett has the highest credibility, co...
When and how clients save for their kids is just as important as how much.
Do you believe? | Copyright Keystone, Getty Images
Earlier this year Fidelity got a lot of attention with its proposal that those making even less than $150,000 a year could still save over $1 million in their 401(k) accounts, if they star...
President Obama just signed into law the most significant reform to Medicare in years. The “doc fix” law achieves several important improvements to Medicare, but it’s likely to cost your clients money.
The "Rocket" crash landed after his NFL career ended. | Copyright Al Bello, Getty Images
How are former NFL players faring with their finances post-retirement? According to a study that collected court filing data of about 2,000 retired pl...
After 16 years as the largest target-date fund provider, Fidelity Investments has lost its crown to Vanguard, which now holds 27 percent of the market share, according to a new Morningstar report...