J.P. Morgan debuts new alternative beta ETF, wealthy clients concerned about being found out and Robinhood starts trading cryptocurrencies.
Heckerling again illustrates the variety and complexity of issues facing planners, particularly in the wake of tax reform.
Take advantage of the new huge exemptions and the “free basis” they offer.
Talking business succession planning with Thomas Abendroth at Heckerling 2018.
Diana Zeydel offers some advice on the “care and feeding” of dynasty trusts at Heckerling 2018.
A look at the roles of lawyers, the IRS and the SEC in creating the current shambolic system.
How to avoid—or at least mitigate—a will contest.
Turney Berry discusses the importance of basis planning now that exemptions have exploded.
After tax reform, the only certainty is ambiguity.