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Investment Trend Monitor - Advisor Views on Marketing Support
Successful marketing involves meeting your audience’s needs and interests in a way that engages them over the long term.

Part 2: Advisors Preferences On the Most Useful Methods of CommunicationPart 2: Advisors Preferences On the Most Useful Methods of Communication

Advisors are looking for communications that specifically target them.

March 16, 2018

1 Min Read
Advisor Preferences

Advisors are looking for communications that specifically target them. They find person-to-person communications such as speakers at a company event or participating in investment firm training programs to be the most useful methods of communication when it comes to shaping their opinions of asset managers. These patterns were essentially consistent across all advisor groups.

By comparison, advisors are most likely to describe broad and untargeted communications, including generic emailing (69%), television ads (67%), digital ads (62%) and press placements (60%), as “not very effective” in taking the measure of managers. This overall pattern holds true whether an advisor and asset manager have a pre-existing relationship or not. Emails from managers that an advisor currently works with are twice as effective as are emails from an unknown manager. Yet a majority of advisors still find these emails, whether an invite to a webinar or new product information, to be only somewhat effective.

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