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Jolt! 2022: Sonya Dreizler on Creating Greater Demographic Representation, One Conference at a TimeJolt! 2022: Sonya Dreizler on Creating Greater Demographic Representation, One Conference at a Time

What missing benefit does Choir bring to financial conferences?


In this video, David Armstrong, editor-in-chief and executive director of content, WealthManagement.com, and Sonya Dreizler, co-founder, Choir, dissect the struggles of bringing more diversity to the stage at conferences in financial services.

David and Sonya discuss:

  • What Choir does for financial conference organizers that want to be more inclusive and bring more females, people of color, nonbinary individuals and other underrepresented communities into the mix;

  • What Choir’s certification grants conference organizers in today’s market;

  • How true the “scarcity of talent” response is when trying to bring a diverse set of speakers to conferences;

  • What the Choir Pledge is and what it means to conferences; and

  • The angry, vile responses she and others have received from speaking out on this topic.

See more of our coverage from Jolt! 2022