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A Dozen Brainteasers and Riddles from Simple to DifficultA Dozen Brainteasers and Riddles from Simple to Difficult

Get eight or more right in five minutes and you can claim bragging rights.

John Kador

December 20, 2019

25 Slides

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Here’s your chance to warm up your thinking powers with 12 brainteasers and riddles organized from simple to difficult. Ready the stopwatch app on your phone. Readers who can get eight or more items right in five minutes or less can claim bragging rights. Answers follow each question.

About the Author

John Kador

John Kador is a business author focused on leadership, finance, and technology.  He is the author of over 15 books and has been a contributing editor to Wealth Management since 1995.  He received an MS degree in public relations from The American University and a BA in English from Duke University.  He lives in Lewisburg, PA.  Contact him on his website, www.jkador.com.