The Apple of RIAs' eye: iPadsThe Apple of RIAs' eye: iPads
May 27, 2011
Google’s Android operating system is the world’s leading smartphone platform, but RIAs appear to prefer the taste of Apple. ByAllAccounts, a data aggregator for the wealth management industry, says a recent advisor survey found Apple’s gadgets, particularly the iPad, are popular.
The survey showed that 43.9 percent of the RIAs polled use an iPad and 43.9 percent use an iPhone, compared to 21.5 percent who use a Blackberry and 20.6 percent who use the Google Droid.
Seventy-two percent of the RIAs manage $5 million or more. They accounted for the biggest share—44 percent—of advisors in the online survey of more than 250 advisors in April and May. iPad adoption is fairly recent among all advisors, the survey shows, with 31.4 percent owning one less than three months.
Half of those surveyed said the device enhances client meetings, while 83.7 percent said it helped them stay connected while traveling or while out of the office.