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Busting 5 Myths and Misconceptions About Social SecurityBusting 5 Myths and Misconceptions About Social Security

Make sure your clients are making reality-based decisions.

Kevin McKinley, Columnist: Generations

June 18, 2021

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With several hundred thousand dollars potentially at stake and myriad date options for claiming, determining “when” and “how” to initiate Social Security retirement benefits can be an overwhelming process. It becomes even worse when clients are basing their decisions on incomplete or inaccurate information.

Here is what they often get wrong about Social Security, and what you can tell them instead to set them straight.

About the Author

Kevin McKinley

Columnist: Generations, Principal/Owner of McKinley Money LLC

Kevin McKinley is principal/owner of McKinley Money LLC, an independent registered investment advisor. He is also the author of the book Make Your Kid A Millionaire (Simon & Schuster), and provides speaking and consulting services on family financial planning topics. Find out more at www.mckinleymoney.com.