A new study titled Don't Lock Me Out: Life Story Interviews of Family Business Owners Facing Succession, by Alexandra Solomon, et. al,1 analyzes life-story interviews obtained from 10 family business owners regarding their experiences with the...
Many supposedly sophisticated professionals fail to stay on top of their estate planning.
Multi-family offices are becoming a popular option for top-tier financial advisors.
A 57-year-old financial advisor is trying to plan his retirement and prepare a successor in case anything should happen to him. But he's not sure what the best route is.
Colleges reserve financial aid for the neediest and for kids who are well above their student body average in grade point or test scores. Affluent families should research the financial aid histories of the colleges on their kids' lists.
One goal is achieved, another is established, and the beat goes on.
Anxious clients can find plenty of excitement in boring old savings bonds.