If you spend a lot of time preparing documents on a computer, work faster and eliminate some frustrations by using "hotkeys" or "shortcut keys" -- simple keyboard combinations. The hotkeys for Macintosh and Windows computers are different, so for...
In May, the SEC announced that it would not fight a March 30 ruling by the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals to vacate Rule 202—the broker/dealer exemption (a.k.a. the “Merrill Lynch Rule”
A summary of articles appearing in the November 2007 issue of Trusts and Estates magazines.
NEW YORK, NY – October 29, 2007 – The Round Table of New York announced today that David F. Woods, CLU®, ChFC®, LUTCF, President of the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education, (LIFE) will be the recipient of the...
Trends in Succession Planning
Tampa, FL, October 25, 2007 - Calkain Companies, a national real estate investment...