If I had to name one difference between private foundations (PFs) in the 20th and 21st centuries, I would use one word: In both centuries, plenty of PFs have made grants to operating public charities, without expecting anything in return other...
Taxes are a contentious political issue. Elections for positions from county supervisor to the United States president have been won or lost on promises about and voting records on taxes. Now, with the passage of the Tax Relief, Unemployment and...
IBDs are dressing up their offerings for hybrid advisors.
The average financial advisor is in his 50s and mulling retirement. The total number of advisors in the industry has been flat for years and is expected to decline in coming years. These facts are constantly trotted out as proof that a talent...
A distressingly high percentage of workers in America don't even so much as attempt a back-of-the-cocktail-napkin calculation when trying to figure out what they'll need to retire on, according to the 21st annual Retirement Confidence Survey by...
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Neil Hennessy, Chairman and chief investment officer, Hennessy Funds in Novato, Calif.
Genworth Financial has named Martin Klein its new senior vice president and chief financial officer. He was previously a managing director at Barclays Capital, where he headed the Insurance Solutions Group and Pension Solutions Group...