The Impact of Behavioral Finance on the Psychology of InvestingThe Impact of Behavioral Finance on the Psychology of Investing
Discover how you can leverage behavioral finance fundamentals to help clients achieve the financial future they, and their family, deserve.
November 18, 2021
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Behavioral finance is much more than a trendy topic. It represents a seismic shift in the ways financial professionals engage and understand their clients, and it will form the foundation of our industry’s value proposition in the years ahead. It prioritizes client relationships over products.
Strip everything away, and the central premise behind behavioral finance is getting people to behave more rationally regarding their money, beginning with saving more and spending less. Without a future concept, and without financial literacy or effective coaching, many individuals are isolated with their own attitudes and cannot improve an economic situation fueled by their impulsive spending habits.
Download this timely white paper and discover how financial professionals like you can help influence the financial wellness of their clients.