A decade ago, the independent broker/dealer firms were filled with part-time advisors, certified public accountants and insurance agents. The channel has moved on, but in many ways, its reputation hasn't. Some still see it as a place for those...
Once issued, a life insurance policy can remain in effect for decades. During this time, the original owner's goal and objectives may have changed, or a need for additional insurance or changes to the policy may have arisen. Too often...
Despite the economic recession, private foundations (PFs) led by individual donors and by families continue to form, grow and increase their grant making in one way or another. Indeed, a recent analysis of the giving patterns of 700 Foundation...
We're now entering the eighth month of 2010 a year in which we've had no estate tax. We're also facing possible legislation and uncertainty on other issues including the allowable terms and forms of grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) and the...
Ripped from the headlines: CEO Faces $7 Million Judgment After Son's Driving Conviction in The Financial News Daily; Businesswoman Fires Nanny, Gets Slapped With Age Discrimination Suit (for $4 million) in The Financial Herald. Both chilling...
On July 21, 2010, many single family offices watched President Obama sign into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Act).1 Title IV of the Act is the Private Fund Investment Advisers Registration Act of 2010...