More people are afraid of running out of money than they are to die. Outliving one’s retirement savings is a legitimate concern, and not weighing the options when thinking about one’s financial future is the main reason so many end up...
An advisor who can demonstrate that they understand these women’s needs and can make their lives easier, will likely succeed in acquiring and engaging these types of clients.
Just as an advisor should do due diligence on the investment managers he or she uses, prospective client's are being encouraged to screen their financial advisor before they hand over their money. Steven Abern...
The SEC is working on a rule that would require financial advisors to create transitions plans in case or retirement or a major disruption in their business. The rule, which may come to life by October, is aimed at mitigating the risk of client...
As we enter 2015, the S&P 500 is likely to be up over the last year (up 10 percent as of Dec. 11, 2014). Accordingly, affluent investors are more optimistic about their family’s financial situation despite concerns about taxes, health...