Before the internet, smartphones, and the social media worlds of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, the world of advising was a much different place. Product pitching, uncompromising work ethic, hard sales and then even harder sales served as the...
Periods of market volatility – especially pullbacks – can trigger emotional responses in investors, causing them to feel upset or worried. Despite the fact that you and your clients have been through worse market situations, you likely...
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2050, 20 percent of the U.S. population will be 65 or over. In 2010, the United States had 5.8 million seniors over the age of 85. By 2050, this number will skyrocket to 19 million...
MIAMI — “The other night I was at a wine bar with a friend when I ran into someone from my MBA program who I hadn’t seen in years,” commented Stephen, as he attempted to put his thoughts into context. “I...
There is a great (and increasing) diversity of family types in this country, and planners should take notice.
The importance of appreciating the difficulty posed by planning for a “blended family” is a topic that advisors (and this site) have ...
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