(Bloomberg Markets) -- Not so long ago, T.F. Meagher worked at a hedge fund. It was a successful hedge fund, too—the $6 billion UBS O’Connor, which was actually gaining assets instead of losing them, unlike so many other hedge...
To avoid the risk of penalties, advisors should complete a thorough review of their social media compliance procedures and risk exposures over the coming year.
Registered Investment Advisors have long used Form ADV to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission and state securities authorities, but starting next year RIAs will face strict new requirements to also report their use of social media...
Registered Investment Advisers have long used Form ADV to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission and state securities authorities, but starting next year RIAs will face strict new requirements to also report their use of social media...
Resplendent with controversy and mudslinging, this election cycle has chided investors into increasing their cash holdings, says a new survey from BlackRock. More than half of investors have decided to only increase their cash holdings and no...
Sales goals were the scapegoat after John Stumpf’s brutal congregational testimony in late September. Would his plan to eliminate sales goals have solved the problem? We think there are many more important problems that need to...
Not totally independent yet. | keira01/iStock/Thinkstock
Millennials may strive for financial independence, but as a whole, they've been slow to break out on their own. According to Fidelity Investments' Millennial Money Study, nearly half (47...
Understanding human behavior, especially with the affluent, is critically important to high-level sales skills. By understanding some of the common psychological biases, you are able to better understand yourself, your clients, and your prospects...