Throughout its history, an important factor in American life has been the vital role charities and philanthropic institutions have played in an economic, political and cultural mix that includes business, government and private philanthropy. In...
AICPA Campaigns To Repair Damage To Reputation Caused By Enron Scandal The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is trying to ensure that its reputation is not sullied by the recent scandal involving Enron and the role that...
Cerulli: Salomon Smith Barney Leads Managed Accounts
Company Stock And The ERISA Fiduciary: The Aftermath Of Enron By William A. Schmidt Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP, Washington, DC Neither regulators nor courts have provided fiduciaries sufficient guidance to navigate the maze of administering ERISA...
Service Focusing On Foreign Trusts, Real Property Transactions If Your Client Owns A Foreign Trust, Or Sells U.S. Property To a foreign person, strict guidelines must be adhered to. This tax season, the Internal Revenue Service is attempting to...
Pension Reform Bill Winding Its Way Through Congresss Diversification requiremements, investment education notices are planks of new legislation.. Plan administrators accountable for educating participants. HR 3669, the so-called Employee...
Making Technology Pay Off For Wealth Advisors By Gregory H. Horn, ADVISORport, Plymouth Meeting, PA TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THE FUTURE, individual advisors and wealth management firms will need to adapt their practices and adopt new technological...
Financial Planners Garner High Scores in Honesty-Integrity Survey, Brokers Receive Among Lowers Scores
SunTrust Reps Offer New Fee-based, Mutual Fund Asset Allocation Services