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Investment firms and retirement pundits have beaten the drum incessantly about how ill prepared Americans workers are for their golden years. Now, perhaps predictably, we’re hearing a lot about employees expecting to work when they “...
With Social Security careening toward insolvency and defined-benefit plans falling by the wayside, baby boomers collectively are ill prepared for their coming retirement. Getting more folks committed to 401(k) enrollment at a younger age is crucial
Registered Rep.’s May cover story on the battle between brokers and their firms about overtime pay seems to be having a ripple effect. Last week, The Boston Globe reported that Smith Barney was facing an overtime suit filed by a Milton, Mass...
An NASD Arbitration panel awarded 32 retired Exxon employees a total of $22 million in damages for losses suffered when their broker put most of their savings in variable annuities and B-share mutual funds.
An often-overlooked area of estate planning is the financial management of a family’s art, antiques and other collectibles. But the financial advisor who works this into his practice can help his clients save millions of dollars, potentially...
Ryan Beck wants its own ticker symbol. And who can blame the tiny regional brokerage after the recent wave of IPO successes enjoyed by rival U.S. brokerage houses?
Dumont has been reversed, but the appellate court's holding is so narrow that fiduciaries should not take heart. In fact, they should stay afraid -- very afraid.
John Taft, chief executive of RBC Dain Rauscher, is aiming to have to 2,500 brokers within five years, and sees acquiring another brokerage unit as one of the way to reach his goal.