Feb. 27, 2008 -- As we were going to press with the March 2008 issue ofTrusts & Estates magazine, we received an email from Kevin Matz of White & Case, LLP, who has a piece in that issue entitled "Knight's Decided. Now What?" Matz wrote...
Is arbitration fair? Do retail investors get a fair shake in arbitration hearings, considering one member of the three-member panel is an industry person? The argument has been ongoing, with the most recent salvo fired off by a new academic study...
Yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing individual 401(k) account holders to sue plan administrators may cause some angst among advisors.
We recently received a set of documents from opposing counsel in a trust litigation case. As our co-counsel at another firm was reviewing the documents, she noticed that the plaintiffs' lawyers had inadvertently included certain recent...
RBC Dain Rauscher is continuing its recent streak of acquisitions, part of an effort by Canadian parent Royal Bank of Canada to build a bigger presence in the lucrative U.S. wealth management market. Dain announced today plans to acquire Ferris...
The SEC voted today to propose changes to the structure of the Form ADV, the disclosure document that all investment advisers must complete. Instead of the current online check-the-box format, investment advisers would need to create a narrative...
You’ve heard of the “Bull Markets, Bear Knees” theory. It goes like this: When you want to know which way the equity market is headed, watch the direction of women’s dresses. In the late 19th century and early part of the...
Brokers are bitter—and for good reason. Since the sub-prime slaughter began this summer, many of those at Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley and the other wirehouse firms, have seen their net worth, tied up largely in deferred stock...
Corporate Trustees Beware Disappointed heirs lose their case against a bank -- but look at how much convincing the court needed By Samantha Weissbluth, senior counsel and Erika Alley, associate, Foley & Lardner, LLP, Chicago A recent Minnesota...
As if banks needed any more bad press: Wachovia Corp. is in the hot seat for shady deals it allegedly had doing business with telemarketers accused of stealing hundred of millions of dollars.