Barclays Capital (BCS), one of Britain's largest banks, is nearing a deal with Lehman Brothers to buy its core broker/dealer business, and is in talks to sell its investment management unit to one or more private equity firms.
The $20 billion loan AIG was allowed to borrow against itself yesterday didn’t have much of an impact after S&P, Moody's and Fitch cuts its credit ratings last night.
Among those companies experiencing death or near-death on Wall Street in the past 72 hours is New York-based insurance conglomerate AIG.
So why did John Thain do it? Well, he didn’t have much of a choice.
So why did John Thain do it? Well, he didn’t have much of a choice.
LPL Financial is paying the price today for failing to safeguard its customers’ personal information.
Bank of America joins a growing list of banks and brokerage firms that have promised to buy back auction-rate securities sold by their brokers.
In the first case of its kind, the SEC announced today that it has charged two individual financial advisors with fraud related to the sale of more than $1 billion in auction-rate securities.
Water utilities, toll roads and airports are steady revenue generators, despite a slowing economic climate.