Should you stay well away from hot dots, that is, hot mutual funds? Not necessarily. Some top funds have long records for delivering relatively steady results. The best choices among the winners are diversified funds that can produce strong...
In her remarks before the Consumer Federation of America Thursday, SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro reiterated her commitment to creating a “strong fiduciary standard” for all securities professionals. She also called for clear point-of-sale...
The hunt for offshore account holders continues. The IRS is now trying to obtain the names of individuals who held offshore accounts with indicted financier and former billionaire Allen Stanford, according to a story in the New York Post. The IRS...
While the U.S. economy remains sluggish, growth is rebounding in much of the rest of the world. That is creating plenty of opportunities for Laurent Saltiel, portfolio manager of Janus Worldwide (JAWWX) and Janus International Equity (JAIEX).
Two Bank of America CEO candidates recently told the board of directors that the bank should consider breaking itself up.
One actively managed fund group has not disappointed: Morningstar’s “fund managers of the year.”
You don't expect your doctor to smoke, and you shouldn't see your advisor maxing out his credit card.
The “F” word is a problem in more than just the North America.