Trustees sometimes find themselves staring down the barrel of the litigation gun, whether as the target, or, more typically, as a neutral party standing among warring factions fighting over trust assets. Due to the increasingly international...
The Internal Revenue Service and the courts have been very active this year in the charitable arena. There have been informal reports of increased audit activity by the IRS, and the public record shows a sample outcome of those audits. The...
As the world appears to shrink, more people acquire property in multiple jurisdictions or have family members living in different countries. Residents of the United States and other common law jurisdictions have historically used trusts to achieve...
Estate plans originate in a number of ways, but in every one, early on in the process, the client interacts with at least one estate planner who may be an accountant, insurance professional, financial advisor or attorney. Typically, a professional...
The best plans and intentions can be led astray by misconceptions based on erroneous assumptions, especially with philanthropic succession planning. Often, senior or same generation family members don't have a true understanding of one another's...
Going indie can be rewarding. But you have to run the transition gauntlet.
What do regional brokerages offer and whom do they attract?
A checklist that's not for the faint of heart.
Clients with too much home equity and not enough retirement money can take advantage of record-low rates to shore up their savings and cut down their taxes.
We try to avoid politics in this journal, but this month we couldn't help it. Kristen French, our features editor, ventured downtown to Zuccotti Park and interviewed several protestors for the back page of this issue. (See page 112.) Kristen...