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The Top 15 Financial CalculatorsThe Top 15 Financial Calculators

These embeds can help your articles reach more readers.

Christopher P. Wendt, Founder and President

October 16, 2019

16 Slides

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Not all financial advisor calculators are created equally. Just as your content needs to be specific to bring the maximum amount of value to your readers, the same should be true of your calculators, too.

Don’t embed any old calculator in an article – embed one that ties directly into the topic under discussion.

Having said that, here are 15 terrific financial advisor calculators from Schwab, Nerdwallet, SmartAsset and others that you can start using as inspiration to build your own today:


Christopher P. Wendt is president of Midstream Marketing, a digital agency that generates predictable leads for independent financial advisory firms.

About the Author

Christopher P. Wendt

Founder and President, Midstream Marketing

Christopher P. Wendt is president of Midstream Marketing, a digital agency that generates predictable leads for independent financial advisory firms. Over the past 10 years, he’s spent hundreds of hours applying the LeadGen Formula, a proven method helping financial advisors generate more leads. You can reach him at [email protected].