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Part 8: Marketing Methods of AdvisorsPart 8: Marketing Methods of Advisors

July 22, 2015

1 Min Read
Part 8: Marketing Methods of Advisors

Marketing methods of all three advisor channels exhibited similar trends to those of client communication with heavy overall use of client appreciation events and seminars for direct client interaction and email and social media campaigns for broad outreach. These tools allow transparency and continual communication with clients which is likely a reason they are so heavily utilized. Social media is a surprisingly important component of advisors’ marketing approach with response rates ranging from 34% to 42%. Digital newsletters are more commonly used by the IBD and RIA channels while W/R advisor prefer direct mail. Webinars, conference calls, blogs and podcasts remain relatively less popular with the W/R and IBD channels but are used more by RIA advisors. Also, when we aggregate responses across all types of digital marketing methods, the RIA channel appears to be the most active, a finding consistent with the responses to our question about social media use for business, in Figure 6b

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