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Getting Started with Podcasting for Financial AdvisorsGetting Started with Podcasting for Financial Advisors

Lessons learned from recording nearly 100 episodes of The Stephen and Kevin Show.

Stephen Boswell

May 12, 2022

3 Min Read
Mykyta Dolmatov/iStock/Getty Images Plus

When it comes to advisor content our mantra is simple … more. This isn’t about quantity. We want “more” in terms of advisor involvement in the content creation, the quality of creative, and the effort going into the distribution. It’s time to move past the days of mass-produced content. Much like gas station sushi, just because it exists, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

In many ways, podcasting personifies the movement from mass to personal. It showcases the advisor, entertains as it educates, and is unique by nature. It also plays right into consumer trends—podcasting is on the rise.

The goal in podcasting is to develop thought leadership. This isn’t for ego sake; it’s to become the go-to advisor for affluent investors in your community and abroad. It represents a pull rather than push marketing strategy. Over time and through repetition you’re showing people that you’re smart, professional and likable. When a need arises, you’re who they call.

Getting started with podcasting can be a little daunting. What topics will you cover? Will it be solo or interview-style? How do you get it up on Apple, Spotify, and other popular platforms? Today I’ll share with you some of what we’ve learned after (almost) 100 episodes of The Stephen and Kevin Show, our podcast focused on helping advisors grow. Here are five areas to think through as you consider podcasting in your business:

Related:The Stephen and Kevin Show: Podcasting Best Practices for Financial Advisors

  • Topics - More than likely, there are certain pieces of advice you find yourself giving. These are great starting points for a podcast. Let’s say you often counsel executives on stock options. That’s a great start. What are five tips you offer? What’s the most common mistake? What’s a related story you could tell? Remember, podcasts aren’t 100% educational. Your stories and anecdotes bring it to life.

  • Format - The most popular format is having one or two financial advisor hosts from the same firm. From a listener standpoint, having two hosts is more dynamic than one. From a presenter standpoint, it also takes some pressure off. Interview-style podcasts are also an option. For example, you could interview a successful local business person for each episode. It’s entertaining for the listener and helps you build connections along the way.

  • Equipment - You’ll likely need to buy some equipment. Start with a high end podcasting mic and set of headphones. Create some test recordings and ask for outside opinions. You’d rather get feedback now than after your first episode is launched.

  • Editing - If you listen to podcasts (a good idea if you’re launching your own), you’ll notice they typically have snazzy intros and outros. You’ll want this as well. Not to mention, each podcast will need to be edited and transcribed before it’s released.

  • Distribution - When it comes to distribution, you’ll need a podcast host to disseminate your podcast to a wide variety of listening platforms. From Apple to Spotify to Google to Pandora, the consumer has lots of choices. This host will also provide valuable analytics to measure over time.

As with all new marketing efforts, it takes a little time to get into a rhythm and even more time to master it. But over time, you’re building an audience and depth of connection that isn’t possible with mass-produced content.

Stephen Boswell is a partner with The Oechsli Institute, a firm that specializes in research and training for the financial services industry. @StephenBoswell www.oechsli.com