Trusts & Estates relies on its editorial advisory board to help screen articles. In addition to authoring pieces, the board provides valuable behind-the-scenes work to make sure that T&E provides you with high quality...
This year’s winner in the alternative investment space is—wait for it—real estate.
Among exchange traded funds (ETFs) that invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs), those employing leverage have zoomed to the upside; even non-leveraged fu...
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Go big on health care and short on energy stocks, according to the latest iBillionaire Index. Comprised of 30 U.S. large-cap equities, the index tracks the portfolios of billionaire investors who have made their money throug...
Unlike other goods, the price formation of oil will be determined not only by supply and demand, but also in part by geopolitical considerations, and, more importantly, active price management.